Author: MikeWPAdmin
SAMPRA’s Impending Legal Tug Of War With The SABC Over Unsettled Artist Royalties
Artists may end up being the hardest hit casualties in an impending legal tug of war between the South African Music Performance Rights Association (SAMPRA)
Sampra and SABC to go to court over non payment of royalties
Johannesburg – The South African Music Performance Rights Association (Sampra) has written letters to all its artists and record companies explaining its decision to take
SABC clears the air on claims it is refusing to pay royalties
The SABC has hit back at claims by the South African Music Performance Rights Association (Sampra) and some music artists that it is refusing to
SABC accused of taking food out of artists’ mouths by not paying royalties
Johannesburg – A music blackout looms for SABC as the SA Music Performance Rights Association (Sampra) takes the public broadcaster to court to compel it
SABC is pouring salt into artists’ wounds as it takes food out their mouths
The broadcaster is worsening the already dire situation of performers by refusing to pay royalties, says Sampra In an ongoing moral and legal battle, the
SAMPRA is taking the SABC to court for failing to pay the R250M they owe in Needletime royalties,
In an on-going moral and legal battle, the South African Music Performance Rights Association (SAMPRA) is continuing to fight for recording artists and record companies
SAMPRA boycott could see a total music blackout on SABC
SABC could lose rights to broadcasting music from SAMPRA artists if SAMPRA goes ahead with its court application to force the broadcaster into paying back-dated